Our Approach to Special Educational Needs

It is very important to us that you and your child feel supported. We are always available to discuss any queries or concerns. Just get in touch. We hope you will find the information below useful.

What can I expect of Kings Norton Nursery School if my child has Special Educational Needs?

Does the Nursery have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator? If so, who are they and how can they be contacted?

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at Nursery is Mrs Nicola Pinnegar and our Assistant SENCO is Ms Michelle Eden.

You can make an appointment to speak with Mrs Pinnegar by contacting the school office on 0121 675 3993.

Mrs Pinnegar is in Nursery every day and is always happy and available to speak to parents.

How does the Nursery identify and assess Special Educational Needs?

In Nursery we use a variety of different ways to assess whether a child has Special Educational Needs.  Some of these ways include:

If my child needs extra support, who do I speak to about it?

Your child's key worker will be in regular contact with you about your child's progress through every day informal discussions.

Parent consultations will be held once every term.

You can make an appointment at any time to discuss your child's progress if you have concerns.

If the key worker feels that extra support and/or assessments would be helpful to enable your child to make progress, then they will contact you to discuss this and inform you of the type of intervention your child may need.

How will my child's progress be reviewed and when will I be invited into school to discuss this?

Your child's progress is reviewed termly through discussions with the key worker, support staff, and SENCO.

Termly assessment are completed to monitor the progress that all children are making.  The Senior Leadership monitor these assessments to help to identify children who may need some additional support.

Your child's individual targets will relate to their specific area of need.  These targets will be focused on to ensure your child is making progress. 

Termly meetings will take place to discuss your child's progress towards their targets.

How will the SENCO ensure the necessary people know about my child's needs?

Kings Norton Nursery School works in partnership with a wide range of specialist support services which are available to support your child if needed.

These services include Paediatricians, Educational Psychologists (EP), Speech and Language Therapists (SALT), Child Development Centre (CDC) and the Communication and Autism Team (CAT).

We also work closely with the Health Visiting team to monitor children's development and to seek additional advice and support where we feel it is needed.

Please feel free to speak with Mrs Pinnegar about any of the services.

Will the information that needs to be shared with me be clear and easy to understand?

All the information about your child's Special Educational Needs will be written in a way that is clear and easy to understand.

We will speak to you about any reports written by ourselves or outside agencies to make sure that you understand all the information presented in it.

You will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the report.

You will get a copy of any reports written by outside agencies.

Will my child be able to give their views?

Your child's views about their education are important to us.

Throughout the year, your child's key worker will talk to them about what they are learning and what their next steps are.

Your child will be involved in making decisions about what they will be learning about.

Who are the support services that can help parents with pupils who have Special Educational Needs?

Please find below the contact details for a variety of services:

SEN Parent Partnership 0121 303 5004   Email: SENDIASS@birmingham.gov.uk

SENAR 0121 303 1888

Children's Information and Advice Service: 0121 303 1888

How can parents find the Birmingham Local Authority's offer?

The Birmingham Local Authority's Local Offer can be found at:


Can I view Kings Norton Nursery's SEND Information Report in full?

You can find the SEND Information Report here.

Can I view Kings Norton Nursery's Accessibility Plan in full?

You can find the Accessibility Plan here.