A Typical Nursery Day
Below is an approximate routine of what a typical day will be like for your child at Nursery. You may wish to discuss this with your child before they start with us.
Please note the routine detailed below refers to a day at Nursery once the children have settled in and finished their induction.
3-4 year olds:
Parents/carers will accompany their child into the cloakroom to hang up their bags and coats, and then into the Garden room to put lunchboxes and water bottles in their assigned spaces.
Parents/carers will then leave and children will have some time to play and explore the activities that have been put out for the day. These will be purposeful activities aimed at developing children's skills.
When the bell rings, children will join their group leaders who will direct them to what they need to do next - this might be to get their water bottles, or go to the toilets etc.
After this, children will join their Group time; they will do some Morning Maths, and have their snack together. Snack is provided by Nursery and consists of fruit, toast, and milk.
At approximately 10am children will finish Group time. Two groups will go out to the Nursery Garden to explore the outdoor resources, and two groups will stay in Nursery for continuous provision and free play. The activities inside and in the playground will be designed to coincide with the children's indoor/outdoor focus that week.
Two groups then have another Group Time session which consists of adult led learning, whilst the remaining two groups engage with indoor provision.
Whilst the next two groups have their Group Time, the others have their lunch.
Half an hour later, the second lunch takes place for the remaining two groups.
Children will spend approximately half an hour in the Nursery Garden after their lunch.
After outdoor play, Group Time will commence for afternoon registration and a short phonics session.
There is another period of indoor/outdoor focus - the groups who had their indoor focus in the morning, will now go outside, and vice versa.
At 2:30pm, early leavers will get ready to go home.
The rest of the children will join their groups for a story, before getting ready for home time and collection.
2 year olds:
Parents/Carers will accompany their children into the log cabin to hang up coats and bags, and place lunchboxes and water bottles in the assigned places.
Parents/carers will then leave and children will have some time to play and explore the activities that have been put out for the day. These will be purposeful activities aimed at developing children's skills.
Children will then have the opportunity to participate in 'Wake up, Shake up'
After this they will have Group/Circle Time, which will include some songs, Morning Maths, and snack time. Snack is provided by Nursery and consists of fruit, toast, and milk.
They will be taken to the Nursery Garden for some outdoor play.
Once back inside, they will have story time which is followed by lunch.
In the afternoon they will have inside play/provision followed by Circle Time.
They will then have another session of outdoor play.
The children will then choose a book for their afternoon story time and then they will get their home time things together, ready for collection.
2.30pm Leavers
If you have children you need to collect from other schools/ nurseries by 3pm, we offer an earlier pick up time at Nursery, of 2:30pm.
Parents/carers who wish to use this option must notify office staff.
We ask that you please stick to a consistent routine.