We are an Eco-School!
What are Eco-Schools?
We are really proud to have earned Bronze and Silver Eco School awards and to hold Green Flag status. We also achieved our Eco-Schools Green Flag Merit badge in the summer of 2022!
To achieve an Eco-School's Green Flag, we work on three of the Eco-School's Ten Topics. These topics break large, global issues, like climate change or plastic pollution, into more manageable and directed themes that prompt children to consider environmental changes that they can make in their school and everyday lives.
To find out more about Eco-Schools visit eco-schools.org.uk
Read about our three chosen topics and send us your suggestions below.
Healthy Living
Healthy Living is a huge part of our nursery life and curriculum and we want to continue to keep the profile of Healthy Living high! We grow a range of fruit, vegetables, and herbs in our school allotment. We also want to teach our children about reducing food waste, recycling, and composting.
Global Citizenship
We have a very caring community at Kings Norton Nursery and we hold an annual fundraising event, donating to a variety of charities both local and global. In addition to our fundraising, we have a school Swap Shop and we plan to hold a Food Bank collection to support our local B30 Foodbank. We also take part in switch off fortnight each year!
Marine Life
Many of our nursery children love to learn about the sea and marine animals. We will learn about animals that live in the ocean as part of our water project and adopt a sea turtle through WWF. In order to help keep our seas clean and safe for marine life, we no longer purchase plastic glitter and reduce the amount of glitter that goes down the drain.
Our Eco-Poem
Kings Norton Nursery School was lucky enough to be chosen to support Birmingham City Council with their Britain in Bloom entry in July 2022 and again in 2023. We were visited by council employees, councillors, and the judges who were very impressed by our children's knowledge of sustainability. Have a read of the fantastic poem that our children have written: