School Improvement

School Improvement Plan

At Kings Norton Nursery School there is a continuous drive to improve provision and standards year on year. Consequently, there is an overall desire to ensure that our teaching, learning and assessment are continually improving. Through our School Improvement Plan, we work positively to maintain our Outstanding Ofsted judgement. After rigorous self-evaluation, analysis, and consultation, we have identified the following targets for improvement for this academic year:

Quality of Education

To provide an ambitious rounded curriculum that incorporates the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework (1st September 2021) that sets high expectations for all children.

To raise achievement further across the school by ensuring the individual needs of children are met and all groups of children achieve at least good progress from their individual starting points, with a particular focus on EYPP and SEND pupils - championed by our EYPP Lead and new Assistant SENCO.

To prioritise children's Communication and Language development, to promote progress in all areas of learning.

To narrow the gap between Literacy and other areas of development by improving children's understanding of early phonics and their love of reading.

To increase the number of children attaining age related expectation or above in mathematics, by developing varied opportunities for children to build their mathematical understanding.

Behaviour & Attitudes and Personal Development

Children's positive behaviour and attitudes are further developed by working towards the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold award.

To improve children's ability to manage their feelings and behaviour and make relationships to support their mental health and well being.

Leadership and Management

To further develop our website to provide a high-quality information sharing experience for both existing and potential families and the wider community.

To maintain outstanding practice, standards, and quality of teaching and learning during the transition of leadership.