How to Apply

We are very happy that you have decided Kings Norton Nursery School is the right setting for your child.

You can apply using a paper or online form. If you choose to apply using the paper form, you may print your own copy, or you can collect a form from the nursery office. Completed paper forms can be returned to us in person or via post.

Our postal address is 

Kings Norton Nursery School
Westhill Rd
B38 8SY 

Please see our 'Key Dates & Upcoming Events' page
for details on our 2024 Open Day in July 

Which intake can your child join?

At Kings Norton Nursery School, we have three separate intakes each academic year. Children are able to start Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, or the term after their 2nd birthday if they are an eligible 2 year old. 

Most of our children start in September at the beginning of the autumn term, however, more children can join us at the beginning of the spring and summer terms, if space allows. Term Dates 

With each intake, we can only accept children up until the dates of each terms' census as we can only claim funding for the children who are listed on our census for that term. We are only able to accept new pupils after the census if they are fee-paying children.

See below for approximate census dates:

Autumn term – first week of October
Spring term – third week of January
Summer term – third week of May

Please note there will most likely only be a small number of spaces available for our January and April intakes, and we may even reach full capacity in the autumn term and have no spaces left to offer in the new year. Therefore, if your child is eligible to start Nursery, you may be better off applying for a September place and starting Nursery earlier than planned.

Admissions Criteria

As we are a Local Authority Maintained Nursery School, we follow the Birmingham City Council admissions policy and criteria.  Therefore, if we have more applicants than places, we will order applicants according to the admissions criteria which are as follows:

Please read our Admissions Policy for further information.

Admissions Policy.pdf